Happy F**cking New Year 2021!
Happy F**cking New Year 2021!
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Happy New Year! A new year brings new opportunities for Pure Orgasmic Love and our followers!
Was 2020 just a dream? I won’t say a bad dream, because there was some good in 2020… Pure Orgasmic Love made some changes in how we reach our followers! We’re excitedly looking to the future and all it will bring — for you and how we reach you!
“And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been.” ~Rainer Maria Rilke
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Wendy Rose Berry and Eugenia Marshall, Entrepreneurs, Mothers, and Besties
Kitty is tickled pink to share her latest podcast interview that she released recently with Wendy Rose Berry and Eugenia Marshall.
Platonic What? Yes, Intimacy!
Intimacy is an essential part of life. As social animals, we need to feel connected to those closest to us. This closeness feeds our sense of wellbeing. Yet, many of us are lacking intimacy in our lives.
Living as a Nudist
Do you enjoy being naked? Do you enjoy being naked only in your own home? Have you ever been naked at a resort, or on a cruise, or in your own backyard? Let’s talk about it!
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