Low Risk Disclosure and Self Shaming

Low Risk Disclosure and Self Shaming
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Courtney discusses how low perceived self-worth can influence one's decision to disclose HSV status and to whom.
Something Positive for Positive People Podcast Episode 145
Internalized herpes stigma looks like self-shaming ourselves and masking it with external behaviors like disclosing our positive HSV status to someone low risk. By low risk, I simply mean their acceptance or approval of us carries little to no value. However, we're either looking to have our beliefs challenged or validated by their response. This episode will challenge that in you. Check it out!

American Sex Podcast Episode 31: Susanna Brisk - How to Get Laid Using Your Intuition
Gut feelings, hunches, intuition: we all have it. But how can we harness these skills and use them reliably? How can they help us get what (and who) we want in bed?

Lack of Pubic Hair Could Put You At Risk
Personal grooming habits could be effecting your sexual health.

Giving Out the Lessons of Our Losses
Courtney discusses with his guest public herpes disclosure and that it's okay to NOT want to do it.

Intuitive Involution
The most important relationship you can have is the one you have with yourself.

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