Low Risk Disclosure and Self Shaming
Low Risk Disclosure and Self Shaming
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Courtney discusses how low perceived self-worth can influence one's decision to disclose HSV status and to whom.
Something Positive for Positive People Podcast Episode 145
Internalized herpes stigma looks like self-shaming ourselves and masking it with external behaviors like disclosing our positive HSV status to someone low risk. By low risk, I simply mean their acceptance or approval of us carries little to no value. However, we're either looking to have our beliefs challenged or validated by their response. This episode will challenge that in you. Check it out!
Coronavirus Also Means Condom Shortage!
Travelling has come to a complete stop for now, so it’s basically down to trips to the grocery store — and minimally so, at that. Also, we’re running out of essential supplies. First, it was toilet paper, but now we hear rumors that we can also expect condom shortages!
Back to the Drawing Board
Courtney talks about dating, self-care, and self-love after his herpes diagnosis before opening up about his father and therapy.
Being for Others What We Need for Ourselves
If you don’t have the strength to help yourself, help someone else.
COVID-19 with HSV
Courtney invites Lindsey to the podcast, a New-York-based health care worker living with HSV who also happened to test positive for COVID-19.
Back to the Drawing Board
Courtney talks about dating, self-care, and self-love after his herpes diagnosis before opening up about his father and therapy.
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