Diary of a Multi-Faceted Boss

Diary of a Multi-Faceted Boss
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Something Positive for Positive People Podcast Episode 126
It’s important that we take a look at who we choose to disclose our STI status to. I genuinely believe people demonstrate their intentions fairly early on in communication, and that we often choose not to see what they’re showing us. Our guest shares her own way of advocating for herpes education, and she shares some not so pleasant experiences in doing so. While her intentions are positive and she just wants those close to her to know they have a go-to person for if they need it, one member of her trusted group with good intentions STILL ended up accidentally divulging that information to a person with ill intent. This is important to highlight because there is so much glamorization around public disclosure, yet people don’t really get to see the privilege that comes with first being able to do so. I share this episode and the several ones coming up with the intention of giving people who feel compelled to get involved with herpes advocacy several options.
We touch on how accepting the LGBT community is of the conversations around STI disclosure. We discuss what happens when you assume wrong. Our guest also shares how history with a past partner who knows you makes it easier to disclose and revisit — not because it’s necessarily easier, but because this is a person who knows the whole you versus the hole on you. Oh, that was good, haha.
Stay Sex Positive!