Can I Make My Penis Bigger?
According to Love Coach Erika Jordan, the answer is truly in your hands.
If you are like 80% of men, you are obsessed with size. And many have wondered, is it possible to make one's penis bigger? No prosthetics, weird pills, crazy pumps, or surgery is needed. But is there something you can do to supersize your package? Let world-renowned love coach Erika Jordan guide you to a bigger penis. With Erika Jordan's "Advice For Men:" Can I Make My Penis Bigger?, the answer is truly in your hands.
For more advice from Erika Jordan in an interactive format, her six-week course, The Art Of Pickup, is available at

Dec 23, 2022
Yes! You can definetly get a bigger penis, but is not that easy and it takes time and dedication. Check out r/gettingbigger on Reddit. Our male half went from 6" to 7" in one year of very dedicated daily excercises. It can be done!
Jul 31, 2020
You should check out a medical procedure called PRP...Athletes use PRP to repair damaged muscles. It also works on the penis it is called the P-shot. It is not cheap but it does work. Google it.
Jul 24, 2020
Well SANJAY101 you aren't wrong but the same effort the 8" gets much better results and skill with a 4" vs an 8" get very different results.