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Hey Sexy, It's Your Birthday!

You deserve to be celebrated for all of your successes, your accomplishments, your failures, and your tries. Walk as you, and celebrate it.

Okay, so you love yourself, you take care of yourself, but how do you celebrate yourself? 

Goddess! You work hard, you love hard, and you live fully. You deserve to celebrate all of your awesomeness. Celebrating yourself is about marking your pleasure, for you. My favourite day of the year is my birthday, actually. I am grateful every single day that I was born and blessed with breath. Honestly, I celebrate myself a lot, but on my birthday, I like to go the extra mile. My birthday becomes more of a birth-month or birth-week. I am unapologetic about it, and you need to be, too. I’m pretty sure it was Oprah who said something along the lines of “the way you ring in your birthday is the tone you set for the rest of your year,” and if we are going to commit to living an intentional life, manifesting all of the love and pleasure we deserve, we need to celebrate that we were created for a special purpose. You deserve to be celebrated for all of your successes, your accomplishments, your failures, and your tries. Walk as you, and celebrate it. This is a ritual I implement personally and implore you to consider to do the same.

Exercise: Birthday Ritual: Seven Days of Self-Love

Oprah once said:

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” 

Goddess, the way you ring in your birthday is the tone you choose to set for the entirety of your year and your birthday is one of the best times to celebrate all that you are, all that you have been, and all that you are yet to become. Setting the tone is about sinking into your power and owning every part of you that is magnificent.


Create your own weeklong calendar, Monday to Sunday, with one small or grand gesture during each day of the week of your birthday that you will complete in order to celebrate your favourite person — you! 

For example, my birthday week celebration this year looked like:

Monday – ninety-minute massage and using a special bath bomb in a sea salt bath while smoking cannabis and listening to Tove Lo

Tuesday – ionic foot bath treatment and new aura cleansing spray, plus Sephora visit for my yearly birthday gift 

Wednesday – full manicure and pedicure, lunch with my best friend

Thursday – day at the salon to get my hair did, while drinking tea and eating decadent chocolate 

Friday – naked all morning and self-pleasure at least twice 

Saturday – dinner with my nearest and dearest and big house party 

Sunday – my birthday! Sleep in, have a lover make me brunch in bed, high (and most likely hungover) sex all morning and hike the Rock Glen provincial park

Now, fill out your Birthday Ritual commitment:

Monday – 

Tuesday – 

Wednesday – 

Thursday – 

Friday – 

Saturday – 

Sunday – 

I am a powerful woman. I love myself, I take care of myself, and I celebrate myself. 

Power-pack yourself with who are, and dive deeply into your true exuberance.

This article is an excerpt from the publication Love: The Women’s Guide to Not F*cking Settling by Carlen Costa and is republished here on SDC.com with permission and distribution by the author.