Face of a Feminist

Face of a Feminist
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Living a Sex Positive Life Podcast Episode 56
Feminist is not a bad word. Face of a Feminist empowers women and girls through a video series and other motivational events. The non-profit 501(c)(3) charity was created by Orlando Radio Celebrity personality Laura Diaz.
Laura Diaz Bio
* I'm a strong woman who's not afraid to speak up and speak out
* I have a passion for feminism and anything that empowers women and girls
* Born and raised in Orlando. A rare breed.
* Blonde, blue-eyed, fair skinned Latina woman! You'd never know I speak fluent Spanish just by looking at me. I like it that way
* My Mother's side of the family is from a small town in Spain and my Father's side is from Puerto Rico... So, I've got plenty of stories
* University of Florida graduate with a degree in Broadcast-Journalism.
* Became a news anchor right after college at NBC in Monroe, Louisiana... That was an interesting 2 years.
* Then, I came home as a news anchor for CBS in Orlando for 4 years.
* Couldn't take the depressing news day in and day out and took the leap of faith into radio... Didn't hurt that I didn't have to do hair and make-up everyday either.
* Co-host of XL 106.7's Johnny's House in the morning since 2011.
* Wife, Mother of two little ones. A girl and a boy. Family is complete.
* Mental Health Advocate
* Founder 'Face of a Feminist', a non-profit created to empower women and girls.