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Une forme sexe sacré, pratiquant le tantra peut offrir une intimité inégalée dans votre relation.
SDC Seek Discover Create Podcast Lexi Sylver Karen Brian Craig Explore Tantra Sex Couple
Tantra: Orgasms, Pleasure, and Hotter Sex
Karen and Brion Craig of Explore Tantra join Lexi Sylver to talk about all things tantra — from how it helps mental health to the myriad ways that this deeply intimate practice makes sex better.

Couple at a club party meeting other swingers
Swinging & Social Anxiety: 4OURPLAY Podcast Ep 40 (Part 1)
Bella and Jase talk about social anxiety when it comes to swinging, how they experienced it, and how they overcame it at a party they attended.

senior couple showing gentle loving affection
Discovering Passion in a Long-Term Relationship
Dr. Laurie discusses passion in a long-term relationship.

flowing blonde hair and a blurred hand backlit by sunshine
Unlocking Sacred Sexuality: Empowering Women in the Lifestyle
Jason explores the intricate world of sacred sexuality and tantric integration with his special guest, Sol from Sol Lifestyle.

SDC Amina Peterson Fix Your Sex Podcast Oral Tantra Spirituality Intimacy
Mindful Head & The Ol' Spiritual Bait-and-Switch
The mouth is a glorious thing. Let's learn how to use it better — whether that's offering it as a gift on someone's genitals or using it to speak authentically to your partners.

glowing lotus flower a symbol of tantra
Prandhara Prem-Deep on Rebirthing, Tantra, Energy Healing
There is nothing better than a woman who does not put limits on herself, nor does she accept limits from others.

SDC Sisters of Sexuality Podcast Taylor Sparks QueenCup Hood Oracle Tarot
Straight Talk with QueenCup, 'Your Hood Favorite Oracle!'
QueenCup brings some spirituality and tarot divination to the SoS podcast. She and Taylor talk about her life as a Highly Sensitive Person and how she uses those strengths to benefit the collective.

Couple meditating in bed together
American Sex Podcast Episode 73: Mindfulness & Stress in Sex & Relationships with Dr. Hernando Chaves
Stress has a heavy impact in the bedroom. Learn how to use mindfulness to overcome it and about how to find common ground with your partner.

SDC Lexi Sylver Julieta Chiara Seek Discover Create Podcast Self Love Masturbation Sex
Self-Pleasure and Better Sex
Happy Masturbation May…. or Maysturbation, as we call it!

SDC Something Positive for Positive People SPFPP Podcast Swinging Lifestyle HSV
Relationship-Driven Faith — Just Keep Swinging
Being in the open lifestyle with an STI can be challenging, but guests Mr. & Mrs. Sting share their story to show how to navigate swinging responsibly.

SDC Sex Positive Me Podcast Mental Health Polyamory Relationships CBD Angie Green Baker
The Green Baker
Listen to Angie, aka The Green Baker, talk about CBD and how it has helped her sex life and polyamorous relationships.

SDC Takeover of Cap dAgde 2019
It’s a Wrap! See Inside Our SDC Takeover of Cap d’Agde 2019
From relaxing in the sun to extravagant, sexy parties and exploring kinks and pleasures, our Cap Takeover had it all!

SDC Amina Peterson Fix Your Sex Podcast Sexual Therapy Tantra Atlanta Healing
The Girl Who Cried "Healing"
Healing is trending on social media. But are you a doer, or just a sayer? Are you ready for healing? Let Amina drop some reality on you so that you can stop licking your wounds and make real, lasting change.

couple in therapy holding hands on a couch
The Art of Erotic Empathy
Kelly Alexander speaks to Amanda Luterman about erotic empathy.

American Sex Podcast Episode 18: Ashley Manta - CannaSexual: Enhancing Your Sex Life with Cannabis
CannaSexual, Ashley Manta, tells us everything we need to know to enhance our sex lives with cannabis.