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Intimate Lesbian Couple Bed Sexual Fantasies Taboo Lexi Sylver SDC
Sexual Fantasies: Taboo, Popular, and Surprising Scenarios
Do you want to know what kinds of filthy things that people fantasize about?

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Anal Butt Play Toys
Butt Stuff: Pegging, Prostate Play, and Double Standards
Learn all the important basics of what you need to know about anal stimulation in this boot(y) camp episode.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Luna Matatas Pegging Threesomes Anal Sex Strap On
Strap-On Sex: Threesomes, Pegging, and More
Toys, anal, and unicorns, anyone? If you get all three — lucky you!

SDC Sex Positive Me Podcast Boneyard Sex Toys Men Penis Cock Ring Pleasure Products
Boneyard Sex Toys for Penises
From cock rings to lube shooters, Kristin Moore from Boneyard Toys chats sex toys for people with penises.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Cannabis CannaSexual Ashley Manta
Sex and Cannabis: Enhance Your Sex Life
If you're curious about cannabis and want to know how you can use cannabis products to amp up your sex life, you should definitely listen to this discussion with THE CannaSexual, Ashley Manta!

Lexi Sylver Ashley Manta Cannasexal Erotica Intimacy Pleasure Dirty Talk
Dirty Talk and Erotica on the Elevated Intimacy Podcast
Lexi Sylver and Ashley Manta dive deep into Lexi's history with erotica and dirty talk, including some personal experiences and how she first started exploring her Lexuality.

SDC Lexi Sylver Podcast Sex Education Swinging Downunder Cate Darrell Australia
Swinging Around the World
If you're a swinger who loves to travel, and/or you want to know what the swinger lifestyle is like in other countries around the world, get ready to be inspired with wanderlust!

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Sexuality Taylor Sparks Yoni
Taylor Sparks' Secrets: How to Make a Good Yoni Even Better
So many of us don't even LOOK at our pussies in the mirror. Have you ever tried? DO IT! Look at her in all her glory! Yes, that's you!

SDC Sisters of Sexuality Taylor Sparks Dwayne Mooney Prostate Health Ejaculation
Dwayne Mooney Discusses the Benefits of Ejaculation Control
Learn how ejaculation control vs. daily ejaculations is better for the health of your prostate.

SDC Seek Discover Create Podcast Lexi Sylver Karen Brian Craig Explore Tantra Sex Couple
Tantra: Orgasms, Pleasure, and Hotter Sex
Karen and Brion Craig of Explore Tantra join Lexi Sylver to talk about all things tantra — from how it helps mental health to the myriad ways that this deeply intimate practice makes sex better.

Toys Exhibition Voyeur NonMonogamy Swingers Anal BDSM Masturbation Self-Love Sexual Health LASPL SDC
Sex Down South
John and Angelique chatted with Lexi Sylver about everything from sex toy deliveries to product warnings while at Sex Down South.

Black couple in love pressing foreheads together with her hands on his shoulders
African-American Marriage, Ethical Non-Monogamy, & Modern Love
Taylor Sparks and Eve dive into the rich history of African-American marriage and the enduring legacy of love. Join us on the journey that explores historical roots, ethical non-monogamy, and the evolving landscape of modern love and its many shades.

SDC Lexi Sylver Julieta Chiara Seek Discover Create Podcast Self Love Masturbation Sex
Self-Pleasure and Better Sex
Happy Masturbation May…. or Maysturbation, as we call it!

SDC Seek Discover Create Lexi Sylver Casey Carter Erotic Stories Seduction Sapiosexuality Foreplay
Erotic Stories: Seduction to Exploration
Listen to Lexi Sylver and Casey Carter talk about how reading and writing erotica can help you seduce your partner.