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American Sex Podcast Episode 9: Interview with Davecat - My Wife is a Real Doll. Literally!
Davecat's wife, Sidore, is a doll -- meaning, she's not just a sweetie, she's actually synthetic!

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BDSM: Mind, Body, and Kink
If you're curious about kink and BDSM and want to know why some kinky folks enjoy BDSM so much, you definitely need to listen to this podcast!

American Sex Podcast Episode 31: Susanna Brisk - How to Get Laid Using Your Intuition
Gut feelings, hunches, intuition: we all have it. But how can we harness these skills and use them reliably? How can they help us get what (and who) we want in bed?

American Sex Podcast Episode 19: Glamazon Tyomi Morgan - Celibacy, Age Play and Finding Love
In just a few short years Glamazon Tyomi Morgan has taken the world by storm. Her following is massive and with good reason.

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American Sex Podcast Episode 80: Exploring BDSM w/Sunny Megatron & Lexi Sylver
This BDSM episode is a perfect primer for those dipping their toes into the kinky pool for the first time or for experienced kinksters looking for a little renewed inspiration.

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Erotic Stories and How to Write Them
Lexi Sylver talks about erotica in the modern era, how her new book Mating Season came to be, and even shares a sexy reading from the book.

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How to Feel Sexy in Self-Isolation
Isolation doesn't have to be lonely or boring! In this podcast, Lexi Sylver discusses her COVID-19 self-care tips — from regulating stress to digital dating ideas.

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American Sex Podcast Episode 65: Kendra Lee Ryan, Escorting, BBW Porn
This week on American Sex Podcast, BBW adult performer Kendra Lee Ryan shares her experiences as a sex worker.

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Florida Power Exchange Behind the Scenes Part 2
Listen for more stories you'll never hear on the conference floor of this annual BDSM event.

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Erotic Literature: Sex, Taboos, and Empowerment
Author and editor Rachel Kramer Bussel waxes poetic the current state of erotica and its impact on sexuality.

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Butt Stuff: Pegging, Prostate Play, and Double Standards
Learn all the important basics of what you need to know about anal stimulation in this boot(y) camp episode.

American Sex Podcast Episode 63: Meghan Tonjes - Love Your Body and Take No Sh*t
Body positive activist, musician, and Youtuber, Meghan Tonjes, tells us about the #BootyRevolution her very first Instagram butt photo sparked.

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Florida Power Exchange Behind the Scenes Part 1
From the safety socks and energy drinks to snow machines and wack a sub, we heard the stories you won’t hear on the conference floor — so many, in fact, that this is a two-part episode!