Vous n’avez pas besoin d’être dans une relation pour découvrir le mode de vie ouvert. Trouvez votre propre chemin dans la non-monogamie consensuelle, que ce soit libertin, polyamoureux, ou autre, avec nos conseils d’experts.

Single Male Pitching in and the Devil's Lettuce!
Should a single guy contribute financially to a couple's expenses for a swinging encounter, or is it paying for sex, and is it acceptable to use cannabis in the lifestyle?

Herpes is as Heavy as You Make It
A herpes diagnosis carries an energetic weight that often gets heavier the longer we're unaware of it. It takes a strong person to move that weight.

Understanding Sexual Compatibility
Dr. Laurie discusses sexual compatibility, a hot topic in the open lifestyle.

The Everyday Goddess: How to Stop Settling For Less
We discuss self-love, body image, confidence, and how self-esteem issues and insecurity contribute to our feelings of being unworthy of happiness and pleasure.
American Sex Podcast Episode 12: Dr. Joycelyn Elders Interview - Former Surgeon General
Ken and Sunny talk with Dr. Elders about sexual health; pleasure inclusive sex ed in church; transgender children; the legalization of marijuana; Waffle House vs. Denny’s; #MeToo, and more.

Boneyard Sex Toys for Penises
From cock rings to lube shooters, Kristin Moore from Boneyard Toys chats sex toys for people with penises.

Strap-On Sex: Threesomes, Pegging, and More
Toys, anal, and unicorns, anyone? If you get all three — lucky you!

Erotic Literature: Sex, Taboos, and Empowerment
Author and editor Rachel Kramer Bussel waxes poetic the current state of erotica and its impact on sexuality.

American Sex Podcast Episode 78: Emotional Healing with Zoe Ligon
Popular social media sex educator Zoë Ligon — aka thongria — discusses everything from authenticity and emotional incest to reconciling feminism and BDSM.

Dating, Self-Love, and Personal Growth
It's time to stop comparing yourself to other people and the impossible standards of beauty and perfection that we see all over the media!

Happy F**cking New Year 2021!
Happy New Year! A new year brings new opportunities for Pure Orgasmic Love and our followers!

E. Michelle Certifies Pleasure to Future Pleasure Coaches
Loving what you do and being good at what you do are two entirely different things. Fortunately for clients and future intimate coaches and sex educators, E. Michelle has perfected both.

American Sex Podcast Episode 73: Mindfulness & Stress in Sex & Relationships with Dr. Hernando Chaves
Stress has a heavy impact in the bedroom. Learn how to use mindfulness to overcome it and about how to find common ground with your partner.