Fetishes: How Common Are They & How Do They Develop?
Fetishes: How Common Are They & How Do They Develop?
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Dr. Laurie helps us understand fetishes.
You'll also hear answers to listener-submitted questions and get Dr. Laurie's take on "Sex in the News."
Elizabeth Tapes Herself with Guys for Much Older Boyfriend
Elizabeth records herself hooking up with other guys for her much older boyfriend, and she called in to talk all about it.
Your New Year Sexual Resolutions
Feeding our sexual energy is vital to our self-improvement and well-being, so having sexual resolutions is the best way to go!
Getting Full: Brief Tips to Help You Get Filled Properly
Just because you like the dick pic doesn’t mean it’s a dick that’s going to be able to satisfy you.
Perfecting Masturbation
Dr. Laurie discusses perfecting masturbation with Global Sexuality Speaker & Sex Columnist Niki Davis-Fainbloom.
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