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Blizzardo, Wild Camming Nights, Big Banana, Dongs R Us!

closeup of a woman's legs wearing black snow boots with brown fur on the cuffs over a wooden floor
closeup of a woman's legs wearing black snow boots with brown fur on the cuffs over a wooden floor
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Listen in on the fun times of Sexy & Jagundo as they get silly after a big blizzard.

Here we go again... together, having fun, having sex, and saying hi to our camming friends! 

We got snowed in this week! It was a crazy blizzard here in the northeast, so we stayed in and did it! This time around, we discuss some wild camming nights, a gassy request, where the big banana is, and new business ideas. Dongs R Us!, smokey neighbors, transitioning to a sexy lifestyle, and, of course, more!

"You guys look like rockstars... oh, we're not, hun, we're porn stars! LOL!"

Stay happy and horny, my lovelies, twinkle, twinkle!
Sally & Mitch