Comunidad de Estilo de Vida Swinger para Parejas y solter@s de mente abierta

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Lifestyle Inventory Check-Up® (LIC)



Welcome to the Lifestyle Inventory Check-Up® (LIC) where you and your partner will take an important step toward designing a relationship of your choosing aligned with each of your values, goals and needs for love, sex and eroticism.

The LIC is a science-backed self-assessment measurement built upon the most up-to-date research findings on what it takes to have a successful intimate relationship.  It guides you through the Seven Conversations of the LIC identifying the specific areas every couple must explore as they design enduring love and passion.

Each item represents a specific level of dialogue for potential exploration based on the percentage of agreement you have on that item which your LIC assessment results will tell you.

Here are the seven (7) Domains of the LIC:

  1. Alignment
  2. Unfiltered Communication
  3. Conflict
  4. Sexuality vs. Eroticism
  5. Boundaries
  6. Agreements
  7. Rituals & Routines

Follow these simple steps and you and your partner will embark on an amazing journey of intimacy, alignment building and solidarity as you map the territory of your unique love story together:

  1. Block a minimum of 30 minutes. Each of you will complete your own LIC assessment in one sitting, separately, not working together.
  2. We recommend you work solo and do not share your answers until AFTER you have completed the entire LIC.
  3. We also recommend you do not ask each other questions or discuss any of the questions during the time you are answering the LIC inventory questions.
  4. Be brutally honest as an act of respect for yourself and your partner. It’s your relationship and the value of this process will be correlated with the degree of candor you bring to it.
  5. Answer all the questions and click “Submit my scores”. We will send you an email with your final score on the LIC, which you can then share with your partner!