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SDC Seek Discover Create Podcast Lexi Sylver Open Relationship Swinging Lifestyle
Swinging and Open Relationships for Newbies
Lexi Sylver discusses the importance of practicing a well-informed open lifestyle and shares her advice and resources to help newbies get started.

woman playfully holding a red sheet in front of the lower half of her face
Building Dreams with Liberator Bedroom Adventure Furniture
Liberator furniture, sex pillows, and shapes are discreet, well-designed, and will take your bedroom adventures to new heights of pleasure.

Christian religious book bible
How Your Religion Influences Your Sexuality
Do you have religious shame? Do you make sexual decisions based on your religious upbringing? In this episode, we explore religion and its effects on sexuality.

cruise ship and a palm tree at sunset
Waves of Pleasure: Bliss Cruise Adventures Part 2
In this exciting episode of The Nation Podcast, join Dan and Lacy as they share their thrilling adventures on the infamous Bliss Cruise.

Penis pump to increase erection size
Penis Pumps, Vagina Castles, and Insecurities
Dan and Lacy recap a weekend they had at The Red Room in Nashville, TN, with Cate from the Wanderlust Swingers podcast.

SDC Swing Nation Podcast Dan and Lacy Party Marc Secrets Topless Travel
Meet Party-Marc Vegas, Lifestyle Entertainer
Dan and Lacy sit down with Party-Marc Vegas, entertainment director for Secrets Hideaway Resort and Topless Travel.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Luna Matatas Pegging Threesomes Anal Sex Strap On
Strap-On Sex: Threesomes, Pegging, and More
Toys, anal, and unicorns, anyone? If you get all three — lucky you!

Two couples chatting in a cafe with coffee and pastries
Slow and Steady Won the Race!!!
Paul and Nikki discuss why they felt the need to wait five years to go from soft to full swap.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Cap dAgde Naturist Village Swinger Event Destination
Naked in Cap d'Agde with Lexi Sylver: Part 1
Want to know the BARE TRUTH about what Cap d'Agde is REALLY like?!

SDC Lexi Sylver Dr Laurie Betito CJAD 800 Passion Sexual Fantasies Kinks Partners
Sharing Sexual Fantasies & Kinks w/CJAD 800's Dr. Laurie
How do you talk to your partner about your kinks and fantasies?

a photo of a woman kneeling on the floor near a lush green plant and lovingly hugging herself
Changing the Way You Think and Speak About Your Body
In this episode, Tara discusses how your inner dialogue about your body can affect your mental and physical health.

couple in therapy holding hands on a couch
The Art of Erotic Empathy
Kelly Alexander speaks to Amanda Luterman about erotic empathy.

SDC Ofacez Mr Mrs Mocha Podcast Sex Swingers Lifestyle Couple
Swingers, Lifestyle, and Sexploration
SDC.com welcomes The Mochas to our podcast lineup! The sexy duo behind Ofacez shares their debut episode about sex, swingers, and the lifestyle.

Living Sex Positive Life Podcast Kitty Chambliss Polyamory Jealousy NonMonogamy Relationships SDC
Jealousy Survival Guide: How to Feel Safe, Happy, and Secure in an Open Relationship
This episode's guest is all about building up confidence in the world of open relationships and attaining a thriving, healthy partnership, even if it includes multiples.