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Beim Swingen geht es nicht nur um den Tausch der Ehefrau. Egal, ob ihr ein Neuling oder ein erfahrenes Paar sind, bei uns seid ihr an der richtigen Adresse!
happy couple in bed on their phones
Common Myths about Sex
Dr. Laurie talks about the false stories and misconceptions that surround sex and why they're so persistent and pervasive.

Sex Toys Swingers Cruise Travel Vacation BDSM Relationships LASPL SDC
Trifecta of Kink Cruise Part 2
John and Angelique share more of the juicy details of their time at sea with other kinky castaways.

two speech bubbles with a heart icon in each to suggest a conversation about love and relationships
Kenya K Stevens & Dr. Saida Désilets on Ethical Relationships
Kenya K. Stevens and Dr. Saida Désilets discuss the challenges within and similarities between ethical monogamy & ethical non-monogamy.

cruise ship and a palm tree during the day
Fulfilling Fantasies at Sea, Bliss Cruise Adventures Part 1
In this exciting episode of The Swing Nation Podcast, join hosts Dan and Lacy as they embark on an unforgettable adventure aboard the infamous Bliss Cruise.

SDC Takeover of Cap dAgde 2019
It’s a Wrap! See Inside Our SDC Takeover of Cap d’Agde 2019
From relaxing in the sun to extravagant, sexy parties and exploring kinks and pleasures, our Cap Takeover had it all!

Intimate Lesbian Couple Bed Sexual Fantasies Taboo Lexi Sylver SDC
Sexual Fantasies: Taboo, Popular, and Surprising Scenarios
Do you want to know what kinds of filthy things that people fantasize about?

Sex Toys Swingers Poly Kink Cruise Travel Vacation BDSM Relationships LASPL SDC
Trifecta of Kink Cruise Part 1
This is what happens when 60 kinky people take a Royal Caribbean cruise to Mexico!

Taylor Leigh Gabriel Mann SeXXXperience Swingers Hotwife Podcast Lexi Sylver SDC
The Secret World of Swinging and Hotwifing
Here's an unfiltered look into the erotic worlds of swinging, adult films and escorting, and how Taylor and Gabe's marriage thrives on and in these extremes.

Toys Exhibition Voyeur NonMonogamy Swingers Anal BDSM Masturbation Self-Love Sexual Health LASPL SDC
Sex Down South
John and Angelique chatted with Lexi Sylver about everything from sex toy deliveries to product warnings while at Sex Down South.

curvy Black woman wearing a pink fur coat, a purple cropped top, and a gold crown over an orange bac
Loving Large
Dr. Laurie discusses the many ways that people love and are attracted to large people.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Relationships Conflict Diana Ryan
Healthy Non-Monogamy: How to Navigate Conflict
Every dynamic encounters conflict. Listen to this podcast to find out how to manage it when multiple partners are involved.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Erotica Author Rachel Kramer Bussel Sexuality Taboos
Erotic Literature: Sex, Taboos, and Empowerment
Author and editor Rachel Kramer Bussel waxes poetic the current state of erotica and its impact on sexuality.

Swinger woman podcaster with upside down pineapple as microphone
Podcast-A-Palooza 2022 Recap and Review: 4OURPLAY Ep 48
Bella and Jase talk about Podcast-A-Palooza 2022 with a review and a few highlights from their trip!

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast ASN Lifestyle Magazine Mike Sheri Swingers NonMonogamy
Swinging and Non-Monogamy: All About The Lifestyle
Mike and Sheri from ASN discuss resources, current trends, and events in the open lifestyle, and the exciting new directions they’ll be taking their magazine in the near future.