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Man muss nicht in einer Beziehung sein, um einen offenen Lebensstil zu führen. Single-Swingers und Polyam-Menschen, finden sich mit diesen Expertentipps zurecht.
NonMonogamy Sexual Companion Self Love Female Empowerment Roleplay Therapy LASPL SDC
Coffee Talk with Amy Taylor
Listen to John and Angelique Luna's conversation with Amy Taylor, a companion for over 20 years.

SDC Casual Swinger Podcast Mickey Gordon Jamaica Interviews Club VIP Catamaran Shellboy
Fung-King Awesome Interviews: A Casual Swinger Bonus Episode
In this interview-heavy episode, you'll learn more about Club VIP and why it's such an integral part of the travel experience in Jamaica, the hilarious and fun Catamaran cruises, and the heart and soul of Jamaica... the people!

Everyday Goddess Carlen Costa Lexi Sylver SDC Female Empowerment Happiness Pleasure
The Everyday Goddess: How to Stop Settling For Less
We discuss self-love, body image, confidence, and how self-esteem issues and insecurity contribute to our feelings of being unworthy of happiness and pleasure.

two plastic human figurines in a simulated sex position
Sex, a Skill?
Change your mindset, remove the shame, and start practicing!

handsome Black man in a blazer in front of two blurred white women watching him
Single Guy Antonio on Swinger Parties, Gangbangs, & More
Antonio is a single guy in the lifestyle who attends swingers parties, gangbangs, orgies, and more, and he called in to talk all about it.

SDC Pure Orgasmic Love Dragonfly Podcast Intimacy Relationships
Platonic What? Yes, Intimacy!
Intimacy is an essential part of life. As social animals, we need to feel connected to those closest to us. This closeness feeds our sense of wellbeing. Yet, many of us are lacking intimacy in our lives.

American Sex Podcast Episode 9: Interview with Davecat - My Wife is a Real Doll. Literally!
Davecat's wife, Sidore, is a doll -- meaning, she's not just a sweetie, she's actually synthetic!

SDC Dragonfly Pure Orgasmic Love Relationships Mental Health Holding Space
Holding Space with Hats On
Holding Space: being physically, mentally, and emotionally present for someone. It means putting your focus on someone to support them as they feel their feelings.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Polyamory Relationships Dr Eli Sheff
Polyamory: Exploring Polyamorous Relationships
People are sticking less and less to traditional relationship norms and are looking outside the (sometimes restrictive) box of monogamy to find a relationship type that works for them and their personality. And for a lot of people, that means polyamory.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Swingers Club Oasis Aqualounge Fatima Mechtab Cece
Sex Clubs: What are They Really Like?
While swingers' clubs are more well-known for couples and singles who are looking to hook up with each other, sex clubs have a more broad definition.

RealDoll sex doll Synthetik partner
American Sex Podcast Episode 76: I Married A RealDoll with Davecat
We find out the real reason behind Davecat’s preference for Synthetik partners, what day-to-day-life is like in their household, and more.

two couples talking while having coffee at a wooden table
Consent and Communication in the Lifestyle
The FWP crew navigates how we ask for consent and how we communicate as swingers.

SDC Dragonfly Pure Orgasmic Love Podcast Erotic Art Michelle Lee
Shadows on Fire — with Michelle Lee
Bonus Episode! The role of erotic art in an Orgasmic Life.