Swingers Lifestyle Community für aufgeschlossene Paare & Singles

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Tantric Experiences

Tantric, sensual and erotic workshops, retreats and events. Tantric, sensual, kinky and erotic workshops, retreats, events, and experiences. We also provide deep dives and Tantric experiences for individuals and couples. We can work with you as a couple or individually both of us or one of us can work with you. We have 20+ years of experience working with sexuality, intimacy, kink, and pleasure. Our SDC personal profile is TantricKink Many individuals and couples seek us out for a long weekend experience (deep dives) at our property in western NC. Common interests include learning about Tantra, kink, energetic sexuality, deeper pleasure, spiritual exploration of sacred sexuality, healing through sexuality or kink, ecstatic states, multiple orgasms in men and women, bodywork, sacred spot, and more. Feel free to reach out for any questions!



Tantric Experiences Gruppe

359 Mitglieder   |   Seit Aug 11, 2023

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