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Regulärer Sex, Vanille-Sex und konventioneller Sex sind Wörter zur Beschreibung eines Sexualverhaltens, das innerhalb einer bestimmten Kultur im Bereich des Normalen liegt.
SDC Pure Orgasmic Love Dragonfly Sexuality Weather Wellness
Spring, Sun, & Sex!
Spring has sprung! The weather is changing, which means the bird and the bees are all a-flutter! Are you, too? Throw open the door, let the spring air hit your face, sit back, and join us for this episode where we talk about Spring, Sun, and Sex!

SDC Sisters of Sexuality Taylor Sparks Dwayne Mooney Prostate Health Ejaculation
Dwayne Mooney Discusses the Benefits of Ejaculation Control
Learn how ejaculation control vs. daily ejaculations is better for the health of your prostate.

a photo of a beach cabana with palm trees and blue skies in the background
Lifestyle Interview: Hedonism II Resort with Tatiana
Join Dan and Lacy as they sit down with Tatiana, the Sales and Marketing Manager of Hedonism II Resort in Jamaica.

150G in Farts?! EPIC ORAL! Equivalate... Huh?
A few funky tidbits this time around... How does one make money farting in jars?!

SDC Something Positive for Positive People Podcast Courtney Brame Herpes Health Care
Self-Health Care
Ask for what you need and don’t leave until you get it!

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Luna Matatas Pegging Threesomes Anal Sex Strap On
Strap-On Sex: Threesomes, Pegging, and More
Toys, anal, and unicorns, anyone? If you get all three — lucky you!

closeup of a woman's legs wearing black thigh high stockings and black studded platform heels
Slow Weeks From Hell!Thigh High Shortage!
Sexy & Jagundo talk about slow camming, tight c rings, thigh highs, and more

SDC We Gotta Thing Mr Mrs Jones Swingers Lifestyle Open Full Swap
We've Come "Full" Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Jones talk about navigating back to full swap, handling uncomfortable advances, and more.

sunset silhouette of a couple wearing cowboy boots and embracing with faces close together
Boot Scooting at the Tin Boxxx
The FwP crew shares some insights and interviews from the Tin Boxxx in Lubbock, Texas

SDC Kitty Chambliss Loving Without Boundaries Podcast Jeff Abraham Promescent
Jeff Abraham: CEO of Promescent's Absorption Pharmaceuticals
I am so excited to share my latest podcast interview that I released recently with Jeff Abraham, CEO of Absorption Pharmaceuticals.

SDC The Swing Nation Podcast Swinger Red Flags Dating Lifestyle Advice
Swinger RED FLAGS!
Red flags for swingers!! These are things that might pop up that should be a warning sign that something is not OK.

Weird sexual fantasy candy
American Sex Podcast Episode 74: The Science of Sexual Fantasy with Dr. Justin Lehmiller
This episode might just change your life — especially if you've ever wondered if your sexual fantasies are too “weird.”

SDC The Swing Nation Podcast
Intro to The Swing Nation Podcast
Dan and Lacy share how they were introduced into swinging, and why they created a podcast by swingers, for swingers.