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Our Flag Means Sex!, Jagundo Gets The Big Fake Salami

man squeezing his eyes shut while holding a blue blanket over the lower half of his face
man squeezing his eyes shut while holding a blue blanket over the lower half of his face
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Sexy gave it to Jagundo GOOD this week!


Another wacky week of crazy sexy times with your fave naughty older couple! I gave it to Jagundo GOOD this week! LOL. He took the new strap on... very well! He also took it deep down the throat! Naughty man, hehe. We also come up with more fun stuff that NEEDS to be on shirts, ha!! Poor Mitch is going nuts with our network and the wifi. We discuss the pitfalls of having a LOT of devices on wifi AND trying to stream quality sex content! LOL! Sally goes off on people and regulations and, of course, more of our usual diatribes of delirium. Listen at your peril... or leisure!

Happy Horniness, our sexy friends!

Twinkle, Twinkle,

Sally and Mitch