Is it Possible to Get Your Partner to Change?

Is it Possible to Get Your Partner to Change?
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Dr. Laurie discusses if it is possible to get your partner to change.
You'll also hear answers to listener-submitted questions and get Dr. Laurie's take on "Sex in the News."

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Sexy & Jagundo talk about the allure of deep male voices, camming boundaries, and their festivities.

American Sex Podcast Episode 40: Shannon Boodram - Open Relationships, Make Up or Break Up
Learn what common pitfalls and strengths determine the longevity of your relationships with Shannon Boodram.

The Myths about Sex and Aging
Dr. Laurie talks about the myths about sex and aging and how to overcome them.

The Pressures Men Face
Dr. Laurie and Johnny Elsasser, host of The Art of Masculinity podcast, talk about men and body image, masculinity, and more.

Perfecting Masturbation
Dr. Laurie discusses perfecting masturbation with Global Sexuality Speaker & Sex Columnist Niki Davis-Fainbloom.

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