KnowMyTruth (CandysAdventures)
We host meet & greets, parties and workshops to up level your chance of success in the lifestyle. We have been in the lifestyle a combined 14 yrs.... We enjoy meeting like minded individuals who enjoy life ,who have great personalities and enjoy great conversation. We are regulars at Laguna del Sol near Sac... A clothing optional resort... We are also not in a hurry to play with anyone.... Play is a bonus and we have to like you and feel comfortable with you as a couple. Single males - this is for you.. please do not send us a message asking hook up.. if we are interested we will find you. if you persist we will block you.... Please note: Only SINGLE MALES who have been to our Lifestyle Intro Workshop or Candy's Adventure lifestyle basics class may attend our events, and only 5 max single males are allowed to attend any given party or event. If you are a Single male and would like to attend our events you must first complete our Lifestyle Intro Workshop. Single men - Please read details of the events posted and follow any instructions carefully..
CandysAdventure Group
196 Members | Since Feb 24, 2012
Operating Times and Entrance fees
SDC Members Discount benefits
A complimentary 1 on 1 meeting to help you get started in the lifestyle...
Business Details
Food Available
On-premise sex allowed
Smoking Allowed
KnowMyTruth (CandysAdventures) Reviews
2 Reviews
Lil house party
Chuy and shannon were great hosts. It was our first private party, we were nervous. When we showed up we were welcomed with open arms and a cheerful vibe that helped us to feel at ease. Everyone was very nice and respectful to others with no pressure whatsoever. We had a great experience and will be going back. Great people, great games and super fun